Birds of Lizard Island

Learn about the resident and visiting birds that can be seen throughout your stay.

Varied Honeyeater

The Varied Honeyeaters can be found within and around mangroves, so keep a lookout around Watsons Bay and Mangrove Beach.

Bridled Tern

Our islands, specifically Osprey, South and Palfrey Islands are important nesting sites for terns.

Crested Tern

This species can be easily identified by its long yellow bill, long crest and black cap which does not extend down to the bill.

Silver Gull

The Silver Gull, also known as the Australian seagull, is abundant across coastal Australia.

Eastern Osprey

The plumage of the Osprey is generally brown above and white below, with a whitish head and a dark stripe through each eye.

Beach-Stone Curlew

At 55 cm, the Beach-Stone Curlew is one of the world’s largest shorebirds.

Eastern Reef Egret

The Eastern Reef Egret is also known as the Eastern Reef Heron and Pacific Reef Heron.

Pied Oystercatcher

The Pied Oystercatcher is a medium sized shorebird with striking black-and-white plumage, long orange legs and a vivid red bill.

White-Breasted Wood Swallow

This species migrates to Lizard Island for winter, appearing around March.

Bar Shouldered Dove

These birds are the source of the constant cooing that you will hear around the resort.

Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove

This beautiful elusive dove is found on the island all year round.

Pheasant Coucal

These beautiful birds are part of the cuckoo family and are often seen in the resort gardens.

Olive-Backed Sunbird

You will often see these sunbirds on your resort room balcony and in the restaurant’s front garden.

Sacred Kingfisher

This species is seen frequently on Lizard Island during autumn and winter, arriving in March and leaving in September.

Rainbow Bee-Eater

Rainbow Bee-Eaters mostly eat flying insects, but, as their name implies, they have a real taste for bees. Bee eaters can consume up to 700 bees in one day!

Leaden Flycatcher

The Leaden Flycatcher is a small, long-tailed and slender bird.

Lizard Island Resort