Island Flora

We invite you to join us on one of our guided interpretive walks to help you understand the island environment on more than just an aesthetic level.

Our naturalists and guides will share with you secrets of the island’s flora, fauna and geographical features. Read about some of the species of flora you can see on the island throughout your stay.

Asian Spiderflower (Cleome viscosa)

Found along the path to Blue Lagoon and on the hike to Cook’s Look.

Ruby Leaf (Alternanthera brasiliana)

Found along the path to the airstrip and on top of Chinaman’s Ridge.

Australian Umbrella Tree (Heptapleurum actinophyllum)

On Lizard Island these trees are spread all over the island and are a favourite among the Varied Honey Eater birds and Black Flying Foxes.

Thatch Screwpine (Pandanus tectorius)

Found scattered around the island and most dense along the track in Watson’s Bay near the Black Flying Fox colony, giving the path its name: The Pandanus Track.

Coffee Bush (Breynia oblongifolia)

Found along the path to Blue Lagoon and around the Research Station where much of the vegetation requires very little water or nutrients, yet still flowers and blooms with colour.

Northern Wattle (Acacia crassicarpa)

These trees can be found all over the island especially along the pathway to Casuarina Beach.

Pop-gun Seed (Bridelia tomentosa)

Found along the path to Blue Lagoon where the vegetation is the most diverse on the island.

Beach morning Glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae)

Found along most beaches on Lizard Island including Anchor Bay and Mangrove Beach.

She-oak Tree (Casuarina equisetifolia)

Found lining the beaches of Anchor Bay, Watson’s bay and Casuarina Beach. Most likely to find the pheasant coucal or white breasted wood swallows on branches.

Eucalyptus Trees

This is the best tree to find the Rose-crowned fruit doves on the higher branches around the resort. In the lower V of these trees, bar shouldered doves will make their nests out of twigs.

Golden Orchid (Dendrobium discolor)

Flowering occurs from April to December, similar timing to when the Rainbow Bee-Eater birds arrive on the island feeding on almost 300 bees and wasps a day.

Rosary Pea (Abrus precatorius)

Admire these flowers among the other spectacular array of diverse flowering plants on the walk to Blue Lagoon. Please be aware, the seeds are toxic.

Tuckeroo (Cupaniopsis anacardioides)

There are many Tuckeroo trees found in Watson’s Bay with occasional bird visitors such as the Common Koel seen around May-July.

Beach Almond Tree (Terminalia catappa)

Take a few steps outside the resort’s waterfront restaurant, Saltwater Restaurant, and be amazed at the enormously beautiful Beach Almond Tree situated right there.

Grey Mangrove (Avicennia marina)

The island’s only two mammals can be found around the mangroves in Watson’s Bay and Mangrove beach in Blue Lagoon.

Weeping Paperbark (Melaleuca leucadendra)

Found around the entire island, most noticeable around the resort and on the way to the Research Station. The flowers are a favorite for Black Flying Foxes and you are most likely to see Pheasant Coucals on the lower branches.

Yellow Kapok (Cochlospermum gillivraei)

Found all around Lizard Island, increasingly more along the hike to Cook’s Look.

Lizard Island Resort